Budding Ideas and Farm Announcements

Nasturtium Plant

Nasturtium - A Powerhouse of Nutrients

All parts of the nasturtium plants are edible, and they’re an excellent source of vitamin C to add to your diet. Vitamin C is an essential part of preventing colds...

Nasturtium - A Powerhouse of Nutrients

All parts of the nasturtium plants are edible, and they’re an excellent source of vitamin C to add to your diet. Vitamin C is an essential part of preventing colds...

Flower Subscription

CSA ~ Flower Subscription

Hand-tied flower bouquets and Floral Arrangements We are excited to announce that starting May 4th Cold Creek Natural Farm has a new Bouquet Subscription to offer our local customers! This...

CSA ~ Flower Subscription

Hand-tied flower bouquets and Floral Arrangements We are excited to announce that starting May 4th Cold Creek Natural Farm has a new Bouquet Subscription to offer our local customers! This...

Rip City Dahlia Rooted Plant Starts

Are you ready to start growing beautiful dahlias?

Are you ready to start growing beautiful dahlias?Just look at those healthy starter roots!!! First things first, I am NOT an expert gardener. I am just passing along some of...

Are you ready to start growing beautiful dahlias?

Are you ready to start growing beautiful dahlias?Just look at those healthy starter roots!!! First things first, I am NOT an expert gardener. I am just passing along some of...

Biochar - Feed Your Plants Naturally

Biochar - Feed Your Plants Naturally

How To Make Biochar For Your Garden To Feed Your Plants And The Earth Biochar is a black carbon material made from the pyrolysis of biomass in the absence of oxygen. ...

Biochar - Feed Your Plants Naturally

How To Make Biochar For Your Garden To Feed Your Plants And The Earth Biochar is a black carbon material made from the pyrolysis of biomass in the absence of oxygen. ...

How to have the BEST BLOOMS Naturally!

How to have the BEST BLOOMS Naturally!

Potassium fertilizer recipe with banana peels and egg shells Ingredients: 4 banana peels 3 Eggshells 4 tablespoons Epsom salt 75ml water Method: Dry the banana peels and eggshells by placing...

How to have the BEST BLOOMS Naturally!

Potassium fertilizer recipe with banana peels and egg shells Ingredients: 4 banana peels 3 Eggshells 4 tablespoons Epsom salt 75ml water Method: Dry the banana peels and eggshells by placing...

Cold Process Soap

The Importance of All Natural Soap

Why should you care about the soap you choose? The word ‘soap’ is used to take in all manner of skin cleansers, solid, liquid or even powder, and within each...

The Importance of All Natural Soap

Why should you care about the soap you choose? The word ‘soap’ is used to take in all manner of skin cleansers, solid, liquid or even powder, and within each...